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Maylandsea Primary School

Enjoy and Achieve


Deer Class

Welcome to Deer Class

About us:

We are a year 4 class and our teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Dobson. Mrs Moran, Mrs Hughes and

Mrs Beer help in our classroom throughout the week. 

Our Topics

Autumn Term - The Stone Age

Spring Term - Miracles and Wonders

Summer Term - Ancient Greece

Our Class Book


Reading with your child regularly, discussing and asking comprehension questions about what they have read is essential.  Please make sure your child reads with you at least 3 times a week and that you record this in their reading diary. There will be a reading reward of extra play for regular readers on a Friday and a chance to win a bookmark as a star reader.


Children will be set weekly spelling activities. We learn one set of spellings over two weeks with a dictation and spelling quiz to assess their learning and progress.   


Maths homework will be multiplication tables and division to be completed weekly. At the end of year 4, all children complete a statutory times table test.  The expectation is that all tables through to 12x12 are known.  We will assess the children's knowledge through weekly tests and will play lots of times table and division games with them. 


For additional homework, children can access Times Table Rockstars and Purple Mash online.  We also set termly, creative topic related homework known as 'Homework Heroes' - this is optional.


Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned on a Thursday please.


School Uniform 

Please refer to the school uniform policy for full information on this. We do find it helpful to remind the children of these main points:

Shirts should be tucked in whilst the children are in school.

Ties should be worn at all times. 

If fleeces are worn in the classroom, then they need to be school fleeces.

Skirts are to be an appropriate length so that the girls do not need to wear shorts underneath them.

No jewellery, except for 1 small pair of stud earrings (if desired). No coloured wristbands are to be worn in school.

No make-up or nail polish please.

No large, colourful bows please.



The children need to come to school wearing their PE kits on their designated PE days. Hoodies, football kits and shirts with advertising logos should not be worn. You will be informed of the days on our weekly Dojo message and on the school's weekly newsletter. These change of a half-termly basis. Earrings should not be worn on these days. Trainers are strongly recommended for outdoor PE.


Water Bottle and Snacks

Children need to have a clear water bottle, which is labelled, in class as this prevents them from having to leave the class for a drink. School water bottles are available from the office. Children should bring water only to drink in the classroom.  Children may bring a healthy snack to eat at break time.



 Please check reading diaries and Parentmail for messages. We will also be communicating with you via Class Dojo on a regular basis. If you would like to speak to us, please send a Dojo message. We will respond to messages as soon as possible, during our working school day.

Multiplication Check

Please practise times tables regularly with your child. Year 4 are expected to know up to their 12 times tables by the end of the year.  This year, there is also a national online test for Year 4 children to test their times tables.  This will taken in the second half-term of Summer.  Each child has a TTRS password and should access the website regularly.