Welcome to Fox Class
Mrs Lavender-Mitchell is the class teacher.
Mrs Jackson, Miss Scott, Mrs Winfield and Mrs Hughes also work in our class.
Our topics for the year are:
Autumn term: Ancient Egypt
Spring term: Material Madness
Summer term: Marvellous Mountains
Our whole reading books for the year are:
Autumn: The Secrets of a Sun King by Emma Carroll
Spring: Race to the Frozen North by Catherine Johnson
Homework is one of the best ways for you to support your child at school.
Reading with your child regularly, discussing and asking comprehension questions about what they have read is essential. Please make sure your child reads with you at least 3 times a week and that you record this in their reading diary.
Children will be set weekly spelling activities.
Children will be set a times table to practise each week in their personal times tables book. . Maths homework may sometimes be set to consolidate learning from class
Our year 6 children are set work from their CGP revision books each week. This helps them embed their learning in maths and English in preparation for SATS.
Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be returned on a Friday. Children will be rewarded for completed homework by gaining team points. We celebrate exceptional homework weekly; children can share their outstanding work with the class and receive dojos.
Our P.E. days for the autumn 1st half term are Monday and Friday. Children can come to school in P.E. kits on these days. Maylandsea P.E. kit is as follows:
We supply most of the equipment the children will need in class. We ask that they bring a named refillable water bottle each day. It is also a good idea to send a healthy snack in for playtime.
The children have access to a wide range of books here at school, but if they are reading something from home, they are welcome to bring it into school to enjoy during our daily OTTER (our time to enjoy reading) sessions.
Phones are not permitted at Maylandsea Primary School.
Home time
School finishes at 3.10pm. Children are asked to wait by the classroom until they see the adult who is collecting them. If you would like your child to walk home on their own, you will need to fill out a permission slip.
Waiting for update! Come back and visit us soon!