Welcome to Hedgehog Class
Mrs MacNeil is the class teacher.
About us
In Hedgehog class, we are all in year 3, our first year of Key Stage 2
Our teacher is Mrs MacNeil. We also have Mrs Ashdown, Mrs Jackson and Mrs Keighley, who work with us every day.
If you need to contact us, please use the message system on class Dojo or phone through the office.
Our topics for the year are:
Autumn Term - The Stone Age
Spring Term - Rainforests
Summer Term - Ancient Egyptians
We LOVE reading in Hedgehog class... We all need to read 3 times a week but some of us try even more than that! We earn Dojo points for our reading each week. We will also earn other reading rewards.
Our class book at the minute is 'Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl
Useful Information
In class we use class dojo as a way of communicating with all our parents and carers. It allows us to show work that we are proud of, sharing photos of what we are doing in class and also earning Dojo points. Dojo points are rewarded for positive behaviour and work in class. We try to get as many as we can before the week is over.
We can also add homework pictures on class dojo so that our teachers can see what we are enjoying at home too. Every week we see who our Dojo winner is and they win a certificate and prize from the 'Gold Box'. The points are reset to start again the following week.
Our PE days will change every half term so that we can enjoy different PE sessions with some of the different coaches that come in to teach us, but for the first half term they are Monday and Thursdays. We can come to school wearing our PE kit but we must have our hair tied back if needed and earrings taken out. PE kit should consist of a light blue t-shirt and navy/black shorts, then on colder days a navy/black tracksuit. Please remember NO hoodies.
This year, we are focusing on the basic skills for homework. As previously mentioned children will be expected to read 3 or more times a week. They will also have a spelling pattern sent home for them to practise. We will give them a few words each week: please help them to discover some more words that fit the spelling pattern. Additionally, the children have a multiplication and division book. They must complete a page each week. If your child is keen to do more work at home, then there will be tasks set on Purple Mash.
We will also be continuing with our Homework Heroes. These are done during the course of the term and will be showcased at the end of the day for everyone to see.
Water and Snack
The children all have individual accounts on the websites below, if they have mislaid their usernames and passwords please ask for them on Class dojo.
TTRock Stars: https://play.ttrockstars.com/auth/school/student
Purple Mash: https://www.purplemash.com/login/